HR Update - FY 19 Issue 04
Issue Date: February 19, 2019
In This Issue
Relationship Between Position and Employee Updates in IRIS HRM
In IRIS HRM the position information and employee information are updated/maintained separately. However, information from the position is inferred to the Employee’s record within IRIS HRM for processing personnel actions as well as displaying reporting to information. Position records must have accurate data with correct effective dates for the information to infer to the employee record, so they are paid correctly and the reporting to information is accurate.
To make sure the position and employee information stay in sync, the effective dates between the position and employee need to be cared for. Position/reclassification actions must occur on the correct effective date which results in an employee action being processed for that same effective date. When the dates are the same, relevant data is inferred from the position record. If that position/classification action needs to be corrected, then that correcting record must be dated to match the dates for which that correction applies.
For example, a position is reclassed up effective 10/16/2018. It is discovered that the reporting to information was not updated with that action, then the correcting record to fix the reporting to information should be dated 10/16/2018 corresponding to when the action/change occurred. As a result, accurate data is inferred to the employee record.
If the position action correction was processed 11/1/2018 (rather than the correct date), the late dated correction cannot infer to the employee record because the employee record is dated 10/16/2018 and is therefore inferring the position information as of 10/16/2018.
Example Current Employee Information
Employee | Position Number | Effective From | Effective To |
987564 | 12T456 | 10/16/2018 | 12/31/9999 |
Sample Current and Recet Position Information
Position | Effective From | Effective To | Position Inferred |
12T456 | 11/01/2018 | 12/31/9999 | No |
12T456 | 10/16/2018 | 10/31/2018 | Yes |
This is apparent when the “Reporting To” position on the generated TIMEI appears to be listed incorrectly. If the position was updated and the “Reporting To” information was not updated or was corrected with a subsequent date (rather than the correct date), the Employee’s information is inferring from the position information as of the effective date of the employee’s record.
Although the “Reporting To” position on the TIMEI is not a critical issue, this functionality and necessity for accurate effective dates could also occur with other position information that impacts an employee’s pay, which could result in over/under payments, incorrect reporting for Health Insurance and several other issues.
It is critical for staff processing position actions to use correct effective dates and correct data at the position level, as it infers to the employee record. There is some reporting in place for classified and partially exempt positions through OPD, but for exempt positions it is the Agency HR responsibility to inform payroll of the position changes so that the employee updates can be processed timely. Please note, the department is responsible for submitting a PARF for requesting the change to the employee so that the correct position information will be inferred.
PERS Verification
There are times when Tier I, II, or III employees in the PERS retirement system may need a verification of state service completed, whether to claim temporary service or leave without pay time, or to confirm service dates, among other reasons.
While the Division of Retirement & Benefits (DRB) is part of the Department of Administration for the State of Alaska, DRB administers the PERS retirement system and is not considered the employer for purposes of the verification. Requests for verifications of service for employees working in departments 02 through 25 should be sent to Payroll Services to be completed. Forms can be scanned and emailed to:
For more information about PERS, see the PERS Information Handbook on DRB's website.
The PERS verification forms can be found on DRB’s Forms & Brochures website.