Employee Planning and Information Center (EPIC)
Who We Are
The Employee Planning and Information Center (EPIC), within the Division of Personnel, contains the Employee Call Center, Employee Records, and provides research, employee and position information, and data analysis to executives, managers and human resource professionals within the state system. Reporting services include scheduled and ad hoc reports, and publications such as annual reports on employee demographics.
What We Do
EPIC provides information to employees and the public through the Employee Call Center, maintains official records for employees of the Executive Branch, and provides demographic research and analysis as it relates to the State's workforce.
EPIC is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and reporting the composition and demographics of Alaska's public workforce, noting trends and milestones. The Workforce Profile is published annually each fiscal year, and reports current and historical statistics, notes trends and provides a snapshot of the State's human resources.
EPIC staff also participate in and analyze data from compensation and benefits surveys, conduct and analyze information gathered from employee surveys, conduct historical research on state personnel issues, and provide research support for collective bargaining purposes.