Employee Call Center
Legislative Employees please contact Alaska Leg HR.
Alaska Courts Employees please contact Courts HR Staff.
Contact Information
Phone: 907-465-3009
Fax: 907-465-6624
E-Mail: EmployeeCallCenter@alaska.gov
Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm; Monday - Friday
The Employee Call Center is provided by the Division of Personnel and Labor Relations through the Employee Planning and Information Center and is available to Executive Branch State of Alaska employees. The Employee Call Center is responsible for providing a wide range of information and referral services to new and current employees.
The Employee Call Center is the first point of contact for all State of Alaska employment verification requests, both written and verbal, for financial institutions and employers. Former and current State of Alaska employees can request letters of verification on State letterhead, prior paystubs and W-2 statements.
Per diem and reimbursement payments are processed and issued by your department/agency finance office. Your first point of contact for per diem, travel, or reimbursement payment questions is whomever you turned in your paperwork to for processing within your agency. Your next point of contact would be your Department Travel Administrator. If these contacts are unable to assist you, you’ll want to contact your Department Finance Officer.
Contact the Employee Call Center when you have question about employment matters, such as:
- IRIS Employee Self Service
- Personnel information
- Verifications of Employment
- Probationary periods
- General Family/Medical Leave Act information
- Rehire/transfer rights
- Worker's Compensation
- Payroll Information
- Duplicate paystub requests
- Duplicate W-2 Requests
- IRIS Employee Self Service (ESS) navigation assistance
- Understanding information reflected on the paystub
- Furlough balance and questions
- Range, step and salary of positions
- Leave eligibility, balance, and accrual information (also available to the direct supervisor)
- Leave cash-in process
- Donated leave questions (for donated leave balance contact Payroll Services (PDF))
- Leave without pay
- Holidays
- How to locate forms such as:
- Benefit forms/changes
- Address changes
- Name/status changes
- Direct deposit
- W-4 employee tax withholding updates
- Contact information for State of Alaska benefits (PERS/TRS, SBS, health insurance)
- Workplace Alaska
- Contacts for Division of Personnel
- Contacts for Payroll Services (PDF)
- Contacts for Department Human Resource Business Partner
- Contacts for resetting your password through the Office of Information Technology
Please Note: Due to the specific nature of the Alaska Marine Highways (AMHS) contract, the Employee Call Center is set up to answer basic calls from AMHS Vessel employees. These calls include:
- Leave Balance
- Holidays
- General Family/Medical Leave Act information
- Leave without pay
- Military Leave
AMHS Vessel employees should continue to call their Payroll Contact (PDF) with all other employment related questions.