Class Outline Information
Class Outline Excel Spreadsheet
Class Specifications on Workplace Alaska
The Classification Plan is the framework of position descriptions and class specifications. Within the plan, each position is assigned to a job class based on duties, responsibilities, and requirements of training or experience. Positions in a job class are treated the same for personnel administration purposes including required qualifications, basic pay, and layoff/recall.
The Classification Outline is the hierarchy by which various job classes and class series are sorted into Job Families and Occupational Groups.
Occupational Groups consist of Job Families that encompass relatively broad occupations, professions, or activities.
Job Families consist of job classes and class series that are related as to the nature of the work performed. The nature of the work includes the kind of work performed as shown by such elements as the subject matter, profession, or occupation. Typically, for all job classes in a family, initial preparation for employment is similar and the classes exhibit a logical relationship for career progression. Job classes within a Job Family are treated similarly for purposes of personnel administration.
Class Codes
Each job class for positions in the Partially-Exempt and Classified Services is assigned a unique six- digit alpha-numeric Class Code that indicates the class’ placement within the Classification Outline. The first character (P) indicates the class is included in the Classification Plan. The second character is an alphabetic indicator of the Occupational Group. The third and fourth characters are numeric indicators of the Job Family within the Occupational Group. The fifth and sixth characters are numeric indicators of the specific job class within the family.
Initial Preparation Definitions
The following phrases have the definition provided when used to describe methods of initial preparation for employment. Other terms or phrases are used when greater clarity can be provided.
- "general education" means a high school diploma or the equivalent.
- "advanced education" means a bachelor’s degree related to the occupational field.
- "general advanced education" means a bachelor's degree in any field.
- "specialized training" means formal training as is typical of a vocational school.
- "on-the-job training" means one learns the work after being hired.
Category Definitions
The category of the type of work performed by each class in the family is indicated by an alphabetic code. The category codes, names, and descriptions are below.
- Clerical/Technical/Paraprofessional
Work involving processing data, normally initiated elsewhere, that is subject to verification, revision, correction, and forwarding for action or substantial elements of the work of a professional, scientific, or administrative field, typically performed in a supportive role. The work typically requires contact with the general public, the ability to follow specific procedures, explain, interpret, and apply established policies and procedures, and retrieve records and related information. - Professional/Managerial
Work involving the exercise of creative, analytical, evaluative, and interpretive ability with discretion, judgement, and personal responsibility for the application of an organized body of knowledge that requires a range and depth of specialized and theoretical knowledge of principles, concepts, and practices that is constantly studied to improve data, materials, and methods or involving the primary responsibility for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources and program delivery. - Skilled Craft/Labor
Work involving repetitive operations using physical skill and energy. The work requires a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the processes involved which is typically acquired through on-the-job training and experience or through apprenticeship or other formal training program. - First Responder
Work involving providing for the safety and security of the public and protection from destructive forces. The work requires specialized knowledge and training to enforce laws and respond to situations endangering life or property.
Definitions of Occupational Groups and Job Families
PA Executives and Senior Administrators
This group includes families of classes that serve as executives and top-level administrators, including those in the Partially Exempt Service.
PA01 Executives and Senior Administrators
This family includes classes of positions that serve as agency executives and top-level administrators, including those in the Partially Exempt Service. Initial preparation for employment is typically through progressively responsible experience in a professional or administrative occupation and normally includes management experience.
PB Administrative and Office Support
This group includes families of classes that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work involved in administration; management; accounting and related financial management; research and statistics; supply; personnel management; information technology; and clerical and secretarial work.
PB01 General Administration
This family includes classes of positions that perform administrative, technical, and clerical work of a general nature that enables agencies to perform their line functions. Initial preparation for employment is typically through general education or office experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience
PB02 Accounting and Fiscal
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional, technical, or related clerical work of an accounting or financial management nature. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in accounting with subsequent career progression based on progressively higher education and responsible experience.
PB03 Personnel and Employee Relations
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work involved in the various phases of personnel or human resource management and employee relations. Initial preparation for employment is typically through general advanced education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PB04 Information Technology
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise, or perform work necessary to develop, provide, and maintain computers, computer programs, databases, or networks. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specific training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience or specialized training.
PB05 Statistics and Research Analysis
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform research or work requiring application of statistical theory. Classes of related clerical work requiring the understanding and use of statistical methods and operations are also included in this family. Initial preparation for employment is typically through general education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PB06 Supply
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work concerned with furnishing all types of supplies, equipment, and materials required in the performance of state functions, from planning through acquisition, cataloging, storage, and distribution. Initial preparation for employment is typically through general education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PB07 Office of Information Technology
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise, or perform work necessary to develop, provide, and maintain telecommunications and information technology services. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specific training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience or specialized training. This family supersedes family PB04 and will be populated as new classes are created that reflect the new OIT structure and duties.
PB99 Administrative classes not otherwise described
This family includes classes of positions of an administrative or management nature of general or miscellaneous character which are not specifically classifiable in another family. Initial preparation for employment is typically through progressively responsible professional experience.
PC Business Development and Regulation
This group includes families of classes that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work related to business development and regulation; public utilities trade practices, finances, regulations, and inspections; and taxation and auditing.
PC01 Business Finance
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work concerned with contractual agreements, loans, grants, and investments. Initial preparation for employment is typically through general education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PC02 Business Regulation and Compliance
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work related to the regulation, including financial regulation, of businesses and occupational licensing. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in the professional area regulated or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PC03 Safety Inspection
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work related to transportation and business safety inspection or weights and measures inspection. Initial preparation for employment is typically through training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PC04 Environmental Health
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise, or perform professional or paraprofessional work related to ensuring compliance with food and sanitation laws and regulations. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PC05 Revenue and Audit
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional, technical, or related clerical work related to tax and revenue assessment, auditing, and collection. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in accounting or auditing with subsequent career progression based on progressively specialized experience.
PD Government Management and Infrastructure
This group includes families of classes that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work related to the organization and development of government, infrastructure development, economic research, planning, and property management.
PD01 Government Management and Operations
This family includes classes of positions that administer, advise on, supervise or perform work related to governmental organization, management planning, and exercise of management and administrative controls. Initial preparation for employment is typically through general advanced education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PD02 Economic Research
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work that requires application of economics knowledge and analysis of economic data. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in economics with subsequent career progression based on progressively higher education or responsible experience.
PD03 Development and Infrastructure Planning
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise, or perform research and analysis of data to identify problem areas and provide comprehensive planning, development, and coordination of community, transportation, and telecommunication services. Initial preparation for employment is typically through general advanced education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PD04 Emergency Planning and Response
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise, or perform work related to disaster planning, mitigation, response, and recovery and emergency service dispatch. Initial preparation for employment is typically through training and experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PD05 Airport Administration
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work related to aircraft operations scheduling or the supervision or management of airport facilities, operations, or services. Initial preparation for employment is typically through training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PD06 Ferry System Administration
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work related to marine/vessel operations scheduling or the supervision or management of marine/vessel facilities, operations, or services. Initial preparation for employment is typically through training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PD07 Maintenance Administration
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer or supervise work related to airport or highway maintenance and repair, or automotive equipment operation, maintenance, or repair. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PD08 Real Estate Appraisal
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work related to the appraisal and acquisition or disposal of real estate. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specific training in appraisal with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PD09 Property Management
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work related to management and leasing of State property. Initial preparation for employment is typically through training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PE Education, Information, Libraries, and Museums
This group includes families of classes that administer, supervise or perform research, consultation, instruction, counseling or service activities related to academic, vocational or public service education and counseling. Also included are positions that involve the collection and custody of books, publications, records and artifacts and the communication of ideas through verbal, written or pictorial means.
PE01 Education Programs
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform academic education services including instructional and financial program consultation, research, planning, and administration. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in teaching and experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PE02 Teaching and Instruction
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise, or provide education or training in an educational establishment, a residential education program, or a formal state employee training program. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience. Certification as a teacher is not normally required.
PE03 Student Services
This family includes classes of positions that provide services other than educational teaching or instruction to students in an educational establishment or residential education program, including ensuring the safety and health of students and security of facilities. Initial preparation for employment is typically through on-the-job training with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PE04 Library and Archives
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work related to the collection, cataloging, and custody of books, publications, and historical records. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in library science and experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PE05 Anthropological Research and Education
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform work related to the study of the origin, behavior, and physical, social, and cultural development of humans, and the preservation and instructional display of historical artifacts and documents and of works of art. Also included in this family are classes which evaluate development proposals for potential historical issues and approve or deny permit requests. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in history, archaeology, or anthropology with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience and specialized education.
PE06 Arts, Photography, and Information
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform creative work to communicate ideas through verbal, written or pictorial means. Initial preparation for employment is typically through training or education in a field of artistic endeavor or journalism with subsequent career progression based on demonstration of talent and ability.
PF Social, Benefit, and Employment Services
This group includes families of classes that advise on, administer, supervise, or perform services in the social sciences, benefit or assistance programs, and social work and employment services.
PF01 Public Programs
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise, or perform services in a social, government benefit, or public assistance program. Initial preparation for employment is typically through training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PF02 Social Work
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional or paraprofessional social work, training, or consultation. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in social work with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PF03 Special Social Service
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform social services related to human rights, social services specialties, and miscellaneous services not specifically classifiable in another family. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PF04 Vocational Rehabilitation
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer or supervise vocational rehabilitation programs or perform vocational rehabilitation counseling services. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PF05 Labor and Employment Services
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work related to employment counseling, unemployment insurance, and other labor and employment services. Initial preparation for employment is typically through training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PF06 Internship Programs
This family includes classes of positions that perform assistive work as part of a career preparation program in an educational establishment. Initial preparation for employment is typically acceptance into an internship program with subsequent progression based on progressively advancing academic coursework and increasingly complex assistive work.
PG Medical, Public Health and Related
This group includes families of classes that advise on, administer, supervise or perform research, education, or professional, scientific, technical or sub professional work in the areas of medicine, public health, mental health and patient services.
PG01 Health Administration
This family includes classes of positions that manage, advise on, plan or coordinate health programs and services. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in a medical field and experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PG02 Nursing, Assistive
This family includes classes of positions that perform assistive nursing duties. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training with subsequent career progression based on additional specialized training.
PG03 Nursing, Professional
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or perform professional nursing work. Included are classes of positions that teach nursing, provide consultative services, or evaluate or administer programs related to nursing. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in nursing with subsequent career progression based on progressively higher education and responsible experience. Licensure as a Registered Nurse is typically required.
PG04 Medical, Professional
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or practice medicine, including medical doctors, dentists, and veterinarians. Also included are classes of positions licensed to diagnose and treat disease and injury, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in medicine with subsequent career progression based on specialized education and responsible experience. Possession of a professional medical license is typically required.
PG05 Mental and Behavioral Health Services
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work related to mental health, alcoholism, developmental disabilities, counseling and other related programs. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in a behavioral science with subsequent career progression based on specialized education and responsible experience.
PG06 Special Health Services
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional, technical or sub professional work in health service specialties including those related to therapy, nutrition, speech, hearing, education and others. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in a specialty area with subsequent career progression based on specialized education and responsible experience.
PG07 Health Laboratory and Related
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform medical laboratory, X-ray, microbiology, or other related work. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education with subsequent career progression based on specialized education and responsible experience.
PH Biological Sciences
This group includes families of classes that advise on, administer, supervise or perform research, development, management, conservation, protection, inspection, or related work concerned with life organisms and their environment.
PH01 Fish and Wildlife
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional and technical biological work in the research, development, conservation, and management of aquatic and wildlife resources. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in a biological science with subsequent career progression based on specialized education and responsible experience.
PH02 Agriculture
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work related to agricultural activities including crop and livestock production, inspection, management and development, and animal husbandry. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PH03 Natural Resources and Forestry
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work related to land, forest and natural resource management, leasing, development, production, conservation, and protection. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in natural resource management with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PH04 Parks
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work involving management, development, coordination, and operation of parks, historical sites, recreational areas, and recreational activities. Initial preparation for employment is typically through general advanced education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PI Legal, Judicial, and Related
This group includes families of classes that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional legal work, and related administrative or clerical work, and scientific investigations for law enforcement.
PI01 Legal Support and Related
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional, paraprofessional, or clerical work to support state agencies or programs providing legal services, law enforcement or criminal justice. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized education or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PI02 Attorneys
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform the professional practice of law. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in law with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience. Admittance to practice law is normally required.
PI03 Judges and Adjudicators
This family includes classes of positions that administer, supervise or serve as third-party triers of fact in adversarial hearings on government programs or other government-related matters. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education and experience in law with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PI04 Evidence Investigation
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform law enforcement work involving detection, collection, custody, and interpretation of evidence used in investigation or prosecution of violations of law. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in criminal justice or science with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PI05 Legal Document Processing
This family includes classes of positions that supervise or perform examination and processing of legal documents. Initial preparation for employment is typically through onthe-job training with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PJ Police, Fire Fighters, and Corrections
This group includes families of classes that advise on, administer, supervise or perform law enforcement, fire fighting, public protection, corrections, or probation or parole work
PJ01 Law Enforcement
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform law enforcement work involving protection of life and property; prevention of crime; and enforcement of statutes, ordinances, or laws including traffic and safety. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training and positions normally require the incumbent be certified by the Alaska Police Standards Council as a Police Officer. Subsequent career progression is commonly based on progressively responsible experience.
PJ02 Fire Fighting and Inspection
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work involved in fighting fires and maintaining fire fighting equipment; inspecting for fire hazards; and developing plans, procedures, and standards concerned with fire prevention. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training in fire fighting with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PJ03 Corrections
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work involved in the supervision, safeguarding, therapy and/or vocational training of people committed to correctional facilities or detention centers. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized on-the-job training with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PJ04 Probation and Parole
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform probation or parole services. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PK Physical Sciences and Engineering
This group includes families of classes that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional, scientific, or technical work concerned with the planning, design, architecture, or engineering of projects, facilities, systems or highways; or analysis, research, development, or planning in the physical sciences.
PK01 Physical Science Specialists
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional or paraprofessional work related to geology, chemistry, physics, oceanography, or other physical science. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in a physical science with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PK02 Environmental Science Specialists
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise, manage, or perform professional or paraprofessional work related to environmental quality and ensuring compliance with environmental laws and regulations; or work related to preparing environmental assessments or environmental impact statements for State of Alaska projects. Initial preparation for employment is typically through general advanced education supplemented by internship in an environmental area with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PK03 Engineering, Unlicensed
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform engineering work that does not require a Professional Engineer license. This includes work in engineering specialties such as civil engineering, environmental engineering, or utility engineering. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in engineering with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience and specialized education.
PK04 Engineering, Licensed
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform engineering work that requires a Professional Engineer license. This includes work in engineering specialties such as civil engineering, environmental engineering, or utility engineering. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in engineering and progressively responsible experience. Possession of a valid Professional Engineer license is required.
PK05 Architecture and Landscape Architecture
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work related to architecture or landscape architecture. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in architecture or landscape architecture with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PK06 Vessel Construction
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work related to marine vessel construction projects. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in naval architecture or marine engineering with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PK07 Land Surveying
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform professional, paraprofessional, or field work related to the measuring and locating of land or structures on the earth’s surface. Initial preparation for employment is typically through advanced education in land surveying or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PK08 Cartography and Drafting
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform work related to the creation of maps and other graphic designs, and drafting in support of mechanical, architectural, or civil engineering work. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training in cartography or drafting with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PL Craftwork and Labor
This group includes families of classes that administer, supervise or perform work requiring physical exertion and manual dexterity not specifically classifiable in another group, including the operation of machinery, equipment, aircraft, or marine craft.
PL01 Food and Custodial Services
This family includes classes of positions that provide, supervise or perform food preparation, housekeeping, or custodial services for state agencies, facilities or institutions. Initial preparation for employment is typically through on-the-job training with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PL02 Aircraft, Automobile, or Vessel Maintenance
This family includes classes of positions that perform or supervise work related to the maintenance or repair of aircraft, automobiles, or vessels. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PL03 Equipment Operation
This family includes classes of positions that direct or operate equipment for construction or maintenance of highways, roads, airports, parks, and other public facilities. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PL04 Building and Facility Maintenance
This family includes classes of positions that supervise or provide facility maintenance services. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PL05 Instrument Technicians
This family includes classes of positions that perform maintenance and repair of audio visual or survey equipment. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PL06 Construction Support
This family includes classes of positions that perform or supervise support operations for civil engineering construction. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training or experience with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PL07 Vessel and Aircraft Operation
This family includes classes of positions that advise on, administer, supervise or perform the operation of aircraft or vessels. Initial preparation for employment is typically through specialized training with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience or type of craft operated.
PL08 Office Equipment Operation
This family includes classes of positions that supervise or perform work requiring technical skill and physical dexterity in the operation of office equipment such as printing or duplicating machinery, microfilm equipment, computer imaging equipment, or mail processing machinery. Initial preparation for employment is typically through on-the-job training with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.
PL09 Facility Security
This family includes classes of positions that supervise or perform building or facility safeguarding duties. Also included in this family are classes of positions that perform duties in detaining and safeguarding individuals not in correctional facilities. Initial preparation for employment is typically through on-the-job training with subsequent career progression based on progressively responsible experience.