HR Update - FY 19 Issue 01
Issue Date: July 20, 2018
In This Issue
- Welcome to the New HR Update
- Department ADA Coordinators
- Free Online Technical and Soft Skills Training
Welcome to the New HR Update
In an effort to increase the accessibility of our newsletter we have chosen to switch to an e-newsletter format. All future newsletters will be released as an e-newsletter, but it has been designed so that if you print this page it will just print the newsletter and not the whole website. If you have any suggestions about the new format please contact the DOP Webmaster at doa.dop.dopwebmaster@alaska.gov
Department ADA Coordinators
By EEO Program
![International Symbol of Access](http://doa.alaska.gov/ada/images/access-symbol.png)
Do you have an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) issue and don’t know where to turn?
Of course you may always contact the State ADA Compliance Program (regarding facility/service/program accessibility) or the State Equal Employment Opportunity Program (regarding state employment accessibility) whenever you have a question. But, did you know that each Department has a specifically designated Department ADA Coordinator? It’s true! In fact, some Departments actually have two coordinators: one who handles public access and the other specializing in employment accessibility.
The role of the Department ADA Coordinator was created in Administrative Order 129 by Governor Hickel. The Department ADA Coordinator is responsible for overseeing ADA-related issues within their specific Department (e.g. ensuring people with disabilities can access programs, services, and facilities; responding to inquiries and complaints; developing self-evaluation and transitions plans, etc.) Each Department ADA Coordinator has been formally designated by their Department’s Commissioner, and the designation must be renewed every time a new Commissioner is appointed.
ADA issues can often be complicated and very personal to the individual involved. The Department ADA Coordinators do an excellent job of recognizing the complex nature of these matters and responding as soon as possible. They also consult with David Newman, the State ADA Coordinator, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Program whenever necessary.
For a complete list of Department ADA Coordinators, please visit http://doa.alaska.gov/ada/documents/dept-ada-coordinators.pdf.
Free Online Technical and Soft Skills Training
By Training and Development
During times of shrinking budgets where State employees seek creative ways to be more efficient with the resources we have, it is great to know that there is another online training resource that is free!
For State employees living in the Anchorage and Juneau areas it is now possible to access free technical and soft skills training online; all you need is your public library card.
Lynda.com is an online training platform that provides a variety of software training as well as some soft skills training such as communication, marketing, business writing and more. Follow the instructions below to find more information on what you can learn to become more successful and effective in your job and to improve your skillsets.
The following is a job aid with detailed instructions for how to access free training through Lynda.com using the Anchorage or Juneau Public Library systems online.
Access to Lynda.com Anchorage
- Access the Anchorage Municipal Library site at http://www.anchoragelibrary.org/
- Select "Website" for the search box
- Enter "Lynda.com" in the search function and press "enter" or select the
- From the search results select the "Do you know? Learn from anywhere with Lynda.com" link
- On the Anchorage Library Lynda.com page login using your library card number and PIN.
- There are instructions on the Lynda.com page that give you directions and resources if you forgot your PIN or need to reset it.
- There are instructions on the Lynda.com page that give you directions and resources if you forgot your PIN or need to reset it.
- Once logged in, enter the software or skills you want o learn in the Lynda.com library search function and start learning.
- Courses are categorized by levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced) or learning paths in any subject area.
- Each course will give you a preview and table of contents including total duration of the course.
- Courses are categorized by levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced) or learning paths in any subject area.
Access to Lynda.com Juneau
- The City and Borough of Juneau Library can be accessed at https://beta.juneau.org/library
- Go to "Resources" and then under Resources select "Resource Tutorials"
- On the Resource Tutorials page follow the Lynda.com link
- Select the "Signing In" link under "Getting Started" and it will start a short video tutorial on how to sign in with your library card number and PIN. (The instructions are also written out below the video)
- Select the "Go to Lynda.com" link and follow the provided instructions for signing in and searching for the course or learning path you wish to complete.