Nomination and Award Procedures:
- Eligibility for statewide awards will be articulated by the specific award category. Any individual who is employed by the State of Alaska Executive Branch is eligible to be nominated. Employees eligible for the award include those in the executive branch and paid through AKPAY. Unpaid volunteers do not qualify, but non-permanent employees can be nominated. Exempt employees are eligible for nomination, but there are some limitations for the leadership category to preclude Commissioners, Deputy and Assistant Commissioners, Chief of Staff, and OMB Director. Army and Guard members are also excluded.
- Nominations may be made by any employee or by a member of the public. Nominations for award must be received on the official nomination form no later than the nomination period deadline. In order to be considered, a nomination form must have all appropriate signatures in place.
- Nominations must be submitted for review and signature through the nominated employee’s chain of command. Nomination forms submitted for award consideration must have been approved by the Division Director and the Commissioner (or their designees) of the employing department or the Chief of Staff for the Governor’s Office. In the event of a team nomination comprised by team members from multiple agencies, the nomination form must be reviewed and approved by each respective department.
- Nomination forms must be complete and contain enough detail for the selection committee to make a recommendation to the Governor’s Office. The data recorded on the nomination form will serve two purposes: (1) to provide enough information for the Selection Committee to make an award recommendation; and (2) to share information for public recognition purposes. Please limit nominations to approximately 500 words. Attachments such as articles, brochures, photos, etc. are not scored as part of the nomination.
- Completed nomination forms must be sent by the nominee’s department representative to the Denali Awards Co-Chairs. The Co-Chairs and the Governor's Office Representative will coordinate the activities of the committee to review all nominations. The schedule for the nomination and awards process, including due dates for all nomination forms, will be announced annually.
- Departments may submit nominations for any category of award.There are eight award categories (individual and team). The number of nominations that can be submitted per department per award vary according to the size of the department:
Number of Positions Number of Nominations per award category 0 - 999 1 1000 - 1999 2 2000 + 3 - Nominations will be reviewed by the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will consist of one representative from each department and one representative from the Governor’s Office.
- The Selection Committee will review the nomination forms and make recommendations to the Governor’s Office.The Governor’s Office will make the final award decisions.
- There will be one overall winner and one honorable mention in each award category. All nominees will be recognized publically on the Denali Awards website hosted by DOPLR and through their departmental awards and recognition process.
- The award recipients will be honored either at a statewide ceremony or an internal ceremony hosted by the nominee’s department.
- In the event of a statewide annual ceremony, the cost will be split between all agencies.
0 - 999:
- Governor’s Office
- Education and Early Development
- Environmental Conservation
- Labor and Workforce Development
- Law
- Military & Veterans Affairs
- Public Safety
- Revenue
- Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
1,000 - 2,000:
- Administration
- Corrections
- Fish and Game
- Natural Resources
- Health and Social Services
- Transportation & Public Facilities
Total Number of Nominations Possible: 184