Leave Slip
Guidance on how to properly complete a leave slip
The Leave Request, or Leave Slip, is used for a variety of purposes. This includes but is not limited to requesting leave for time off, documenting leave taken for sick leave purposes, noting court leave, as well as identifying Family Medical Leave. The following is a list of important rules to remember about filling out a leave slip, which fields are required, and an explanation of the different fields on the leave slip.
NOTE: Alaska Marine Highway Vessel employees should contact their Payroll Services contact for leave balances or for other guidance at (907) 465-8995.
Important Rules
- Leave slips shall be submitted in advance for any scheduled or planned time off, (vacation, doctor appointment, etc.).
- Upon your return from unscheduled leave, (sick leave, family emergency, etc.), the leave slip shall be submitted within 24 hours of your return to duty.
- Leave slips, with all required signatures, shall be submitted to Payroll Services with the timesheet.
Leave Slip Form Field Explanations

Required fields are shown in red with an asterisk*.
- 1 Employee Name*
- Print Employee’s Name (legal name) whose leave is being used for time off, a leave cash-in, or donating to another employee.
- 2 BU* (Bargaining Unit)
- Use the code for your specific Bargaining Unit.
Code Bargaining Unit GC Alaska Correctional Officers Association / Correctional Officers Unit SS Alaska Public Employees Association / Supervisory Unit GG/GP Alaska State Employees Association / General Government Unit TA Alaska Vocational Technical Center Teacher’s Unit KK Confidential Employees Association MM Inlandboatmen’s Union of Pacific Alaska Region CC International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots LL Labor, Trades and Crafts Unit BB Marine Engineers Beneficial Association AA Public Safety Employees Association TM Teacher’s Education Association of Mt. Edgecumbe EX Exempt PX Partially Exempt - 3 Dept No* (Department Number)
- List the number code for your department.
Code Department 02 Administration 03 Law 04 Revenue 05 Education and Early Development 07 Labor & Workforce Development 08 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 09 Military and Veterans Affairs 10 Natural Resources 11 Fish and Game 12 Public Safety 16 Health 18 Environmental Conservation 20 Corrections 25 Transportation and Public Facilities 26 Family and Community Services - 4 Employee I.D. Number*
- List your six digit Employee I.D. number.
- 5 Date Leave Begins*
- Enter the DATE and TIME that the leave will begin as it applies to your regular work hours. (This field is not used for Leave Cash-ins or for Donating Leave.)
- 6 Date Leave Ends*
- Enter the DATE and TIME that the leave will end as it applies to your regular work hours. (This field is not used for Leave Cash-ins or for Donating Leave.)
- 7 Total Time (HH:MM)*
- Enter the TOTAL time in HH:MM for leave that will be / was used. (This includes time for Leave Cash-Ins or Donated Leave)
- 8 Supervisor Approval
- Your Supervisor can initial here to show that the dates for leave being taken are approved for use. (This field is not used for Leave Cash-Ins or for Donating Leave.)
- 9 Leave Type*
- Check the appropriate box for the type of leave you are taking.
Leave Type Description ANN/PERS Annual / Personal Leave is leave used when taking time for vacation or when you cannot come in to work for personal reasons. This leave is usually planned before it is taken. SICK/PERS Sick / Personal Leave is used for sick purposes only. This includes sickness and doctor appointments. This leave is usually unscheduled and the leave slip must be submitted after return to duty. FMLA/AFLA This is for leave taken under the Family Medical Leave Act, the Alaska Family Leave Act, or the Military Family Leave Act. For more information on when this qualifies go to the Family Leave webpage. MILITARY This leave provides an employee who is a member of a reserve or auxiliary component of the United States Armed Forces a paid leave of absence when ordered to training duty, or a paid leave of absence when the employee must report for military physical examinations. COURT This is to request leave when an employee is called to serve as a juror or subpoenaed as a witness. Requests for court leave must be supported by the written notice of jury duty (provided to Supervisor), the statement of attendance (provided to Payroll), or the subpoena. WKRS COMP This leave deals specifically with Worker’s Compensation. If you find yourself in a Worker's Compensation incident please contact the Employee Call Center for more information. AUTH LWOP Authorized Leave Without Pay means that you have been authorized to take leave without using any leave balances that you might have and will require additional authorization per your Department policies. DISC LWOP Disciplinary Leave Without Pay means that a disciplinary action requires that you take leave without pay. UNAUTH LWOP Unauthorized Leave Without Pay means that you took leave, but did not receive authorization to do so. LV CASH-IN Leave Cash-In is selected when you want to cash-in leave hours. OTHER This is where you write in what type of leave you want to use if it does not fall into any of the other categories. (e.g. Comp Time, Flex Time, Business Leave, Donated Leave, Deferred Comp, etc.) - 10 Explanation
- This area can be used to provide any other information you would like to include about the leave you are requesting.
- 11 Leave Donated To
- List the person you are donating leave to, along with the Employee ID if known. (The Explanation space can be used if additional space is needed)
- 12 Employee Signature*
- Sign and date the leave slip to acknowledge the use of your leave time.
Supervisors – if the employee is unavailable, write the word “unavailable” on this line. - 13 Approving Officer Signature*
- Your Supervisor, or other Approving Officer, signs and dates to authorize the leave use. (Note: Supervisor’s do not need to sign a Leave Cash-In or Leave Donation Request.)
Sample of a Completed Leave Slip

Contact Information
Employee's current leave balances are available through the Employee Self Service.
The Employee Call Center can assist with any additional questions that you may have. You may contact the Employee Call Center at (907) 465-3009 or
NOTE: Alaska Marine Highway Vessel employees should contact their Payroll Services contact with additional questions at (907) 465-8995.